Our contact details
For a phone enquiry | 1300 363 992 Monday to Thursday 10 am to 4 pm (AEST/AEDT) |
For an online enquiry | Submit an Enquiry form |
For a freedom of information request | Information on how to make a FOI request to the OAIC can be found on our Freedom of information requests to the OAIC page. |
Post |
GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001 |
Fax | +61 2 6123 5145 |
All phone options
Phone contact hours | 1300 363 992 |
From within Australia | 1300 363 992 (Enquiries line) |
From outside Australia | +61 2 9942 4099 |
Other languages | Call the Translating and Interpreting Service - external site on 131 450 then ask for 1300 363 992 |
Hearing or speech assistance | Contact us through the National Relay Service - external site then ask for 1300 363 992 |
If you are trying to contact another Australian Government agency or minister, please visit the Australian Government Directory. - external site
Online forms
For information on how we handle your information, see our privacy policy.
General enquiry | Use this form to make a general enquiry to the OAIC, if you prefer to make your enquiry in writing. This form is not for complaints or reviews. |
Privacy | Use this form to make a complaint about the handling of your personal information by an Australian Government agency or a private sector organisation. More information. |
Freedom of information | Use this form to complain about an agency’s actions under the Freedom of information Act 1982. More information. |
Consumer Data Right | Use this form to make a complaint about the handling of your Consumer Data Right (CDR) data by a business you have requested it from or the business you are sending it to, under the CDR system. More information. |
Data breaches
Notifiable data breach | Use this form to notify the OAIC of an eligible data breach. More information. |
Agency freedom of information extension of time request | An Australian Government agency can use this form to lodge an extension of time to handle a freedom of information request or to notify of an agreed extension. More information. |
Speech request - external site | Use this form to request an OAIC speaker for your event. |
Freedom of information review | Use this form to request a review of a freedom of information decision by an Australian Government agency. More information. |
Accessing our information
Find out more about how to access our information.
Freedom of information requests
For FOI requests in relation to information held by us, please contact our Director, Legal via email at foi@oaic.gov.au.
Information Publication Scheme (IPS)
For questions or feedback in relation to our IPS entry, please contact our Assistant Commissioner, Corporate through our enquiry form.
Procurement complaints
Find out more about how to submit a procurement complaint.
Website feedback
To make a general enquiry or complaint complete an online form.
If you have any problems using this site, if the document you need is not in a format you can access, please get in touch with us at websitefeedback@oaic.gov.au.