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credit reporting body is only allowed to give a copy of your consumer credit report to certain organisations for specified purposes.

Real estate agents and employers are excluded

Real estate agents and landlords sometimes request a copy of your consumer credit report as part of a lease application process. Employers and recruitment consultants might also request your credit report in connection with an offer of employment.

The Privacy Act specifically excludes real estate agents and employers from the definition of credit provider and these entities are not permitted to obtain credit reports.

There is no obligation for you to provide a copy of your consumer credit report to a real estate agent, landlord or employer if they request you to do so.

Credit reporting bodies not permitted to disclose credit reports to real estate agents and employers

Strict rules apply to credit reporting bodies about who they can provide a copy of your consumer report to and penalties can be imposed if they breach the rules. Credit reporting bodies are not permitted to provide a copy of your consumer credit report to a real estate agent or an employer because they are not credit providers.

To find out who’s accessed your credit report, ask for a copy of it

If you’re not happy with a credit reporting body’s response, you can lodge a complaint