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The My Health Record system is the Australian Government’s digital health record system that holds My Health Records. It was previously known as a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) or eHealth record.

A My Health Record is an online summary of an individual’s health information. It allows doctors, hospitals and certain other healthcare providers (such as a physiotherapist) involved in the individual's care to view their health information. An individual can also access their My Health Record online.

The My Health Records Act 2012My Health Records Rule 2016 and My Health Records Regulation 2012 create the legislative framework for the My Health Record system.

The My Health Records Act limits when and how health information included in a My Health Record can be collected, used and disclosed. Unauthorised collection, use or disclosure of My Health Record information is both a breach of the My Health Records Act and an interference with privacy.

The My Health Records (Information Commissioner Enforcement Powers) Guidelines 2016 outline the Commissioner’s approach to enforcement under the My Health Record system, and are available on the Federal Register of Legislation.