As at 2 July 2024 our online forms will be changing.  The current forms will no longer be available and we kindly request any saved forms to be submitted by the same date.  The replacement forms will be available by 3 July 2024

An external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme is one that the Information Commissioner has recognised under the Privacy Act 1988 to handle particular privacy-related complaints. These EDR schemes offer free, independent, quick and fair dispute resolution.

If you think an organisation has mishandled your personal information, check the table below to see if they’re an EDR scheme we recognise. It they are, it may be beneficial for you to complain to the EDR scheme directly; especially if your complaint also involves broader, non-privacy issues, as we will only consider privacy issues.

For example, if you think your bank has mishandled your personal information and the financial services they gave you. They may be able to handle your privacy-related complaint and any broader, non-privacy related issues about the financial service they gave you that we can’t assist with.

Which EDR scheme may handle your complaint?

If your privacy-related complaint is about ….

In …

Contact …

A bank


Australian Financial Complaints Authority

A electricity, gas or water provider

New South Wales

Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW

A electricity, gas or water provider

South Australia

Energy & Water Ombudsman SA

A electricity, gas or water provider


Energy & Water Ombudsman Queensland

A electricity, gas or water provider


Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

A electricity, gas or water provider

Western Australia

Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia

A financial planner


Australian Financial Complaints Authority

An insurer


Australian Financial Complaints Authority

A mortgage broker


Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Public transport


Public Transport Ombudsman Victoria

A superannuation fund


Australian Financial Complaints Authority



Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman


New South Wales

Tolling Customer Ombudsman



Tolling Customer Ombudsman



Tolling Customer Ombudsman