We regularly publish news about our upcoming events, latest guidance and activities in our newsletter, Information Matters. Subscribe to never miss an edition.

In the current edition (June 2024):

  • From the desk of the Privacy Commissioner
  • Information Publication Scheme review report
  • Appointment to the ICIC’s ExCo
  • Recent privacy determination
  • Reminder: revised FOI procedure directions
  • Revisions to the FOIstats Guide
  • Updated guide to developing a Consumer Data Right (CDR) policy
  • Support Privacy Awareness Week 2025 and complete the survey.

EditionSummary of contents
  • From the desk of the Acting Australian Information Commissioner and FOI Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd – Open Government Week, Information Commissioner appointment
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024 campaign summary
  • Digital ID legislation
  • Consultations and revisions to FOI guidance
  • List of webinars for FOI practitioners.
  • From the desk of the Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind – Privacy Awareness Week
  • Legislated framework for Digital ID
  • Consultation on the application made by the Australian Retail Credit Association to vary the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014
  • National Health (Privacy) Rules 2021 consultation.
  • From the desk of the Australian Information Commissioner Angelene Falk – new look and feel for Information Matters, Information Awareness Week summary
  • National Health (Privacy) Rules 2021 Review
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024
  • Malaysian delegate visit to the OAIC office
  • FOI complaints and investigations update.
  • Freedom of Information Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd and Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind commence
  • Notifiable Data Breaches report
  • Safer Internet Day 2024
  • Draft Privacy (Credit Related Research) Rule 2024 consultation
  • Consumer Data Right (CDR) guidance updates
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024
  • FOI extensions of time agency resource
  • Changes to information requests relating to practical refusals.
  • Australia's Third Open Government National Action Plan (NAP3)
  • Overview of Cyber Security Obligations for Corporate Leaders guidance booklet
  • Summary report for our fourth Consumer Data Right (CDR) privacy assessment
  • New freedom of information agency resource
  • Data Privacy Day
  • Privacy Awareness Week in May.


EditionSummary of contents
  • Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk, and acting Freedom of Information Commissioner Toni Pirani – end of year letter
  • DP-REG forum website
  • Federal Court proceedings against Australian Clinical Labs Limited
  • Planned privacy assessments for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 financial years
  • 3-commissioner model commencing in 2024
  • Remaking the section 95, 95A and 95AA guidelines
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024
  • Public consultation on the proposed approach to remaking the Privacy (Persons Reported as Missing) Rule 2014.
  • The OAIC's 2022-23 Annual report and digital health annual report
  • International Access to Information Day 2023.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024
  • 2023 Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Review
  • Consultation on proposed updates to Part 6 of the FOI Guidelines
  • The Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Consumer Data Right
  • FOI investigation outcomes summary table.
  • Information on requesting an extension of time from the OAIC.
  • Acting Freedom of Information Commissioner Toni Pirani and Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk – International Access to Information Day (IAID)
  • UNESCO IAID theme for 2023 – 'the importance of the online space for access to information'
  • Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Review.
  • Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk – Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey
  • OAIC Corporate Plan 2023–24
  • FOI consultations and investigation outcomes.
  • Joint statement published by the OAIC and international data protection and privacy counterparts
  • International Access to Information Day 2023.
  • Assessments conducted across 2022-23
  • Downloadable security and access policy template for healthcare providers
  • The Australian Financial Review Government Services Summit that Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk attended.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2024
  • Consumer Data Right videos
  • The appointment of Ms Toni Pirani as interim FOI Commissioner
  • Current FOI consultations.
  • The OAIC’s return to a three-Commissioner model
  • OAIC funding received in the Budget
  • Thank you to supporters of 2023 Privacy Awareness Week
  • Consultation on draft revised Information Commissioner review procedure directions.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2023
  • Principles for a nationally consistent approach to accessing Stolen Generations records published by the Healing Foundation Historical Records Taskforce
  • Submission to the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper.
  • Notifiable Data Breaches Report July to December 2022
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2023
  • Regulatory action policy and guide updates.
  • Theme for Privacy Awareness Week 2023
  • Attorney-General’s Department report on the Privacy Act review
  • Guide to Regulatory Action
  • OAIC appearance at Senate estimates.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2023
  • Draft revised Information Publication Scheme guidance
  • Providing feedback on Part 13 of the Freedom of Information Guidelines
  • Association of Information Access Commissioners meeting
  • Assessment of 7 accredited persons’ compliance with Privacy Safeguard 1
  • Guide to developing a Consumer Data Right policy.


  • 40th anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
  • Passing of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Bill 2022
  • Privacy guidance in response, including for not-for-profits and charities.
  • OAIC 2021–22 Annual report, a summary of the 2022 International Access to Information Day campaign
  • Commissioner Angelene Falk’s recently released reports on Consumer Data Right designation instruments
  • Digital health report.
  • Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk and FOI Commissioner Leo Hardiman – International Access to Information Day
  • 2021 Independent review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (CR Code)  report
  • Privacy Safeguard Guidelines consultation.
  • Security and access policy template to help healthcare providers comply with their obligations under Rule 42 of the My Health Records Rule 2016
  • COVIDSafe app update
  • 2022–23 Corporate plan
  • Advice for registering privacy impact assessments
  • International Access to Information Day
  • Consumer Data Right Privacy Safeguard Guidelines consultation.
  • Guidance on the retention and deletion of personal information collected during the COVID-19 response
  • Financial hardship information in the credit reporting system
  • FOI Statistics Q4
  • Consumer Data Right participant guidance survey.
  • Priorities for 2022–23
  • OAIC response to news about facial recognition technology
  • FOI statistics returns reminder
  • Machinery of Government changes
  • New version of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014
  • Resources for privacy officers.
  • Privacy Awareness Week
  • Joint statement issued by Australian information access commissioners and privacy authorities to mark National Sorry Day
  • Video guides for rights and obligations when submitting and responding to requests for personal information
  • Open Gov Week
  • Information Awareness Month.
  • Privacy Awareness Week
  • Information Awareness Month
  • OAIC 2021–22 Assessment Program
  • Global Privacy Assembly’s Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group
  • New version of the Credit Reporting Code.
  • The newly appointed Freedom of Information Commissioner
  • Digital Platform Regulators Forum
  • Changes to the Credit Reporting Code
  • International Women’s Day interview with Commissioner Angelene Falk
  • Individual Healthcare Identifier guidance
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2022.
  • Senate estimates
  • Notifiable Data Breaches scheme
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2022.
  • Australian Federal Police privacy determination
  • Data Privacy Day
  • Privacy Act review
  • Regulator statement of intent
  • Consumer Data Right guides
  • COVID-19 guidance and advice
  • Safer Internet Day.


  • COVID-19 privacy guidance
  • Clearview AI privacy determination
  • Consultation on the Credit Reporting Code
  • Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities
  • Global Privacy Assembly events
  • Consumer Data Right privacy assessment.
  • 2020–21 Annual Report
  • Australian Government review of the Privacy Act 1988
  • OAIC findings against 7-Eleven
  • Children’s Week.
  • International Access to Information Day
  • Open by Design Principles
  • Commissioner’s ICON address
  • COVID-19 guidance
  • OAIC international engagement.
  • Notifiable Data Breaches Report
  • Corporate Plan 2021–22
  • International Access to Information Day
  • COVID-19 guidance
  • Data-matching Rules
  • Consumer Data Right videos.
  • Uber privacy determination
  • My Health Record emergency access guidance
  • International regulatory collaboration
  • International Access to Information Day campaign.
  • Government-wide audit of privacy impact assessment registers
  • Publication of the OAIC's second COVIDSafe Privacy Report
  • Findings from the first OAIC  COVIDSafe assessment
  • Consumer Data Right.
  • Commissioner Angelene Falk update
  • International collaboration
  • Information Commissioner review decisions.
  • Feedback on a draft Information Commissioner review direction for applicants
  • Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Guidelines 1994
  • ICON webinar
  • e-learning course - Privacy in Practice.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2021
  • ICON webinar
  • Information Awareness Month
  • Open Data Day.
  • Privacy guidance for employers on the collection of staff vaccination status
  • Guide to Securing Personal Information
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2021
  • Commissioner-initiated investigation into the Department of Home Affairs
  • Consumer Data Right updates.
  • Notifiable Data Breaches Report
  • Department of Home Affairs privacy determination
  • Data Privacy Day
  • Safer Internet Day
  • Consumer Data Right resources.


  • OAIC submission to the Australian Government’s review of the Privacy Act 1988
  • Flight Centre determination
  • Global Privacy Assembly and Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum
  • Publication of the OAIC's first 6-month report on the privacy protections in the COVIDSafe app
  • 2019–20 Annual Report on the provision of privacy services to the Australian Capital Territory.
  • Privacy Act review details
  • Annual Report 2019–20
  • Regulatory cooperation
  • Consumer Data Right
  • Children’s Week.
  • Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey 2020
  • International Access to Information Day
  • FOI Essentials
  • Facebook ruling
  • Information on when to conduct a privacy impact assessment
  • Data Availability and Transparency Bill.
  • Corporate Plan 2020–21
  • International Access to Information Day
  • Regulatory cooperation
  • Memorandums of understanding
  • Disclosure of public servants’ personal information in response to freedom of information requests
  • Scams Awareness Week
  • Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey 2020
  • COVID-19 resources.
  • Notifiable Data Breaches report
  • OAIC and UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office joint investigation
  • Open letter to video teleconferencing companies reminding them of their obligations to comply with the law and handle people’s information responsibly
  • COVID-19 resources
  • Consumer Data Right is here
  • Step-by-step guide to accessing government information
  • Freedom of Information Guidelines.
  • COVID-19 resources
  • Consumer Data Right
  • Regulatory cooperation
  • Freedom of information resources
  • Updates to the Freedom of Information Guidelines.
  • Privacy oversight of COVIDSafe app
  • Consumer Data Right update
  • Information Awareness Month
  • COVID-19 record keeping
  • Regulatory cooperation
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2020
  • Privacy Impact Assessment Tool.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2020
  • PAW events
  • COVIDSafe app
  • Privacy in practice for agency staff
  • Information Awareness Month
  • frequently asked questions about freedom of information and COVID-19
  • Access to information during the pandemic
  • COVID-19 privacy resources.
  • COVID-19 privacy and freedom of information resources
  • Commissioner launches Federal Court action against Facebook
  • FOI SmartForms updated
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2020.
  • Notifiable Data Breaches Report
  • Action plan for health service providers
  • Consumer Data Right update
  • Appointment of new Assistant Commissioner
  • ICON session.
  • Privacy Awareness Week 2020
  • Consumer Data Right update
  • Regulatory cooperation
  • Freedom of information statistics
  • Safer Internet Day
  • Credit Reporting Code variation approved.