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Publication date: 1 November 2011
AATAdministrative Appeals Tribunal
access grant decisiona decision under the FOI Act by an agency or minister to grant access to a requested document
access refusal decisiona decision under the FOI Act by an agency or minister to refuse access to a requested document
Charges RegulationsFreedom of Information (Charges) Regulations 1982
deemed decisionoccurs if the allowable time for making an FOI decision (regarding access to documents, or amendment or annotation of personal information) has expired without the applicant receiving notice of the decision; in these circumstances, the decision is deemed to be an upholding of the original decision, or where no decision exists, a refusal of the request.
FOI ActFreedom of Information Act 1982 Cth
Information Commissioner review(referred to in the FOI Act as ‘IC review’); a merit review by the Information Commissioner of an agency’s decision regarding access to, or annotation of, a document, carried out at the request of an applicant or third party
internal agency reviewan internal review of an FOI decision by an agency, carried out by an authorised officer who was not involved in the original decision
IPSInformation Publication Scheme (established under Part II of the FOI Act)
OAICOffice of the Australian Information Commissioner