As of 2 July 2024, our online forms will be changing.  The current forms will no longer be available, and we kindly request any saved forms to be submitted by the same date.  The replacement forms will be available by 3 July 2024

Download the Engagement checklist

The ‘Direction as to certain procedures to be followed in IC review’ issued under s 55(2)(e)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 by the Australian Information Commissioner requires agencies and ministers to engage, or make reasonable attempts to engage, with IC review applicants during the IC review.

Agencies and ministers must provide the Information Commissioner with evidence of the action they have taken to address the issues identified in the IC review application, or actions taken to contact the applicant. This checklist has been developed to assist agencies provide relevant evidence and can be used as a cover when providing relevant evidence to the OAIC.

Contact with IC review applicant

Evidence of earlier engagement in similar process*

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Copy of letter sent to IC review applicant to arrange contact

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Date of Letter

[insert date]

File note of telephone call to IC review applicant

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Copies of written correspondence from IC review applicant

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Attempts to resolve issues in dispute

File note of engagement with applicant

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Suggestions made by agency/minister to resolve IC review

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Response provided by applicant, and any suggestions made by applicant to resolve IC review

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Outcome of engagement

Outcome of engagement

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

Written notification that IC review applicant wishes to withdraw their application for IC review

☐ Attached

☐ Not applicable

* An agency may not be required to engage in the engagement process if it is able to provide evidence of having engaged in a similar process at an earlier stage. However, participation in formal statutory processes (for example, the request consultation process outlined in s 24AB of the FOI Act in relation to practical refusals) will not be a basis for not consulting the applicant in relation to the IC review.