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ACAPS 2020 Infographic

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This infographic illustrates some of the key findings of the Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey 2020.

  • 62% are uncomfortable with their location being tracked through their mobile or web browser
  • 87% want more control and choice over the collection and use of their personal information
  • 97% consider privacy important when choosing a digital service
  • 59% experienced problems with the handling of their personal information in the past 12 months
  • Australians trust health service providers the most with their personal information
  • 70% see the protection of personal information as a major concern in their life
  • Australians trust social media the least with their personal information
  • 82% of parents believe children must be empowered to use online services, but their data privacy must also be protected
  • 84% think identity theft and fraud, and data security and breaches, are the biggest privacy risks
  • 85% have a clear understanding of why they should protect their personal information
  • 49% say they don’t know how to do this
  • 84% think it is a misuse of personal information when information is supplied for a specific purpose and used for another
