As of 2 July 2024, our online forms will be changing.  The current forms will no longer be available, and we kindly request any saved forms to be submitted by the same date.  The replacement forms will be available by 3 July 2024

Publication date: 21 April 2021

This consultation is closed. The deadline for submissions was 9 June 2021.

Purpose of consultation

The OAIC is seeking comment from interested stakeholders on the draft ‘Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews’ and accompanying ‘Quick guide’, in relation to its content, guidance, readability and accessibility.

Under s 55(2)(e)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the Australian Information Commissioner has power to give written directions as to the procedure to be followed in relation to a particular IC review.

Read the draft direction

Quick guide download

How to provide comment

Submissions can be made by:



GPO Box 5218

Sydney NSW 2001

Privacy collection statement

The OAIC will only use the personal information it collects during this consultation for the purpose of reviewing the ‘Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews’ and ‘Quick guide’.