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Publication date: 7 December 2021

This consultation is closed. The deadline for submissions was 4 February 2022.

The Australian Information and Privacy Commissioner is undertaking the regular independent review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (‘the CR Code’). In accordance with paragraph 24.3 of the CR Code, the Commissioner is required to conduct an independent review of the operation of the CR Code every 4 years. The last review was conducted in 2017.

Purpose of consultation

The OAIC is seeking comments from interested stakeholders in relation to the practical operation of the CR Code.

Consultation materials

To assist stakeholders in preparing comments for this consultation, the OAIC has published the Consultation Paper, which includes questions. These are intended to stimulate comments and reflections on the current operation of the CR Code.

They are not intended to limit the issues that may be raised. You may wish to respond to some or all questions, or to raise other issues related to the practical operation of the CR Code.

To further facilitate engagement in the OAIC consultation process, roundtables will also be conducted in late January 2022.

See CR Code (v2.1)

Consultation Paper download

How to provide comments

Submissions can be made by:



GPO Box 5218

Sydney NSW 2001

The closing date for submissions is 4 February 2022.

Although you may send your comments by email or post, email is preferred.

We intend to make all submissions publicly available. Please indicate when making your submission if it contains confidential information you don’t want made public and why it should not be published.

Requests for access to comments will be determined in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Privacy collection statement

The OAIC will use the personal information it collects during this consultation for the purpose of finalising the draft privacy resource and our ongoing engagement with you.