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Publication date: 10 March 2022

On 10 March 2022, the Australian Information Commissioner approved a variation to the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (the CR Code).

This follows an application by the Australian Retail Credit Association (ARCA) on 6 September 2021 (and amendments to the application dated 18 February 2022) to vary the registered CR Code in accordance with section 26T of the Privacy Act 1988.

The variation will result in two tranches of amendments to the CR Code. The first tranche of amendments (version 2.2 that relates to minor amendments regarding access to credit information) is expected to commence on 22 April 2022 when it will be published on the Codes Register. The second tranche of amendments (version 2.3 that relates to financial hardship reporting) will commence on 1 July 2022.

If you require any of the following documents in an another format, please send your request to

Approved variations to CR Code

  1. Version 2.2 of the CR Code – word version
  2. Version 2.2 of the CR Code – PDF version
  3. Version 2.3 of the CR Code – word version
  4. Version 2.3 of the CR Code – PDF version
  5. Letter to ARCA - Hardship Variations Approval - 10 March 2022