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Our purpose is to promote and uphold privacy and information access rights. We do this by:


  • conduct investigations
  • handle complaints
  • review decisions made under the FOI Act
  • monitor agency administration
  • advise the public, organisations and agencies.

OAIC Guiding Principles

The Commissioners have distilled their strategic intent in a clear set of guiding principles that outline the vision for the agency. These have been outlined in the agency’s 4 Pillars (4Ps). These principles articulate the OAIC’s strengths and the Commissioners’ expectation that will inform the activity of the agency. These principles support the agency to regulate in a risk-based and strategic manner.


We adopt a risk-based, education and enforcement-focused posture


We prioritise our regulatory effort based on risk of harm to the community


We focus on harms and outcomes, and are driven by evidence and data

People focused

We preserve expertise and talent. We make the best use of our resources and maximise opportunities for our people.

Commissioner Priorities (2024-25)

OAIC develops annual Commissioner Priorities as part of its corporate planning to coordinate activity across the OAIC. OAIC’s 2024-25 Commissioner Priorities are as follows:


  1. Promote Open Government to better serve the Australian community
  2. Increase OAIC FOI regulatory and case management effectiveness
  3. Uplift agency capability in the exercise of FOI functions
  4. Make FOI compliance easier


  1. Promote privacy in the context of emerging technologies and digital initiatives
  2. Increase OAIC privacy case management effectiveness
  3. Develop a cohesive regulatory and enforcement strategy
  4. Improve compliance through articulating what good looks like


  1. Design and build the future of the OAIC
  2. Implement priority recommendations from the tech systems review
  3. Ensure the OAIC maintains international and domestic commitments
  4. Reform our approach to delivering legal services and reduce legal spend
  5. Promote timely legislative reform and ensure it is informed by regulatory expertise

Our priorities will guide our approach to BAU work across the OAIC.

We will deliver all our work in line with the 4 pillars.

Why we can do it

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) was set up by the AIC Act.

We are headed by the Australian Information Commissioner, who has a range of powers and responsibilities under the AIC Act, and exercises powers under the FOI Act, the Privacy Act and other laws.

The OAIC is an independent statutory agency in the Attorney-General’s portfolio.

Our functions


We are responsible for privacy functions that are conferred by the Privacy Act and other laws. Under the Privacy Act a person can make a complaint to us about the handling of their personal information by Australian, ACT and Norfolk Island government agencies and private sector organisations covered by the Privacy Act.

The OAIC also has the power to:

We have a range of responsibilities under other laws, including laws relating to data matching, eHealth, spent convictions and tax file numbers. See the Privacy Act and other legislation for more information.

We give information and advice on privacy to individuals, businesses and agencies through our enquiries team and our website.

Freedom of information

Our FOI functions include the oversight of the operation of the FOI Act and review of decisions made by agencies and ministers under that Act. If you are dissatisfied with the result of an FOI request, you may ask us to review it.

You can also complain to us if you are unhappy with the way your request was handled by an agency. We may initiate an own motion investigation (OMI). See FOI reports for information about previous investigations.

We give information and advice on FOI to individuals and agencies, through our enquiries team and our website.

Information policy

We oversee government information policy functions. This function is conferred on the Information Commissioner by the AIC Act. The Information Commissioner reports to the Attorney-General on matters relating to Australian Government information management policy and practice, including FOI and privacy. See Information policy to find out more about our role.