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Published: 02 September 2024

Accountable authority sign off

The Australian Government released the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy in November 2023, setting out the overall approach and action required by Commonwealth entities to achieve the APS Net Zero 2030 target.

The Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy represents a strong commitment by the Australian Government to lead by example on emissions reduction and contribute to the decarbonisation of Australia's economy.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is committed to the achievement of the Government's APS Net Zero 2030 target. The OAIC is following the APS Net Zero 2030 target in full, as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy.

This Emissions Reduction Plan describes the priorities and actions the OAIC is taking to reduce our operational emissions and contribute to the APS Net Zero 2030 target.

Elizabth Tydd
Australian Information Commissioner
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
27 August 2024

Emissions reduction plan 2024-2026


The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is responsible for managing and implementing emissions reduction initiatives set by the Australian Government's Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy (the Strategy) developed by the Department of Finance. The Strategy sets out the Australian Government's approach to achieving Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 2030 and the reinstatement of public emissions reporting.

The goal of this Emissions Reduction Plan is to provide a pathway for the OAIC to contribute to the achievement of the APS Net Zero 2030 target through emissions reduction activities. This plan encompasses existing and new priorities and actions within the OAIC to reduce emissions.

This Emissions Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with the Strategy, associated guidance and reporting standards for annual emissions reporting.

Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions

Net Zero emissions refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced, through resource consumption, and the amount removed from the atmosphere. Achieving Net Zero emissions means that the total emissions released into the atmosphere from OAIC's operations are offset through various means that remove or sequester an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide. This includes, but is not limited to, the implementation of emissions reduction initiatives, carbon capture, and carbon offsetting.


Emission reduction activities outlined in this plan align with the Strategy released in 2023 and fall under the following definitions:

  • Scope 1 emissions reflect emissions from sources owned or controlled by Government, including the stationary combustion of fuels (boilers, generators), and transportation (fleet).
  • Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions which occur because of the activities that generate electricity, which is consumed by an entity, but is generated outside that entity's boundaries. They are physically produced by the burning of fossil fuels by the generator of the electricity.
  • Scope 3 emissions reflect other indirect emissions produced through Government activities including Travel, Procurement and ICT.

This plan primarily considers emissions related to Scope 1 and 2, noting the OAIC does not have emissions that are reflected under Scope 1.

Scope 3 emissions will be included in the OAIC's Emissions Reduction Plan from 2026.

Governance and reporting

The OAIC will, as required under the Strategy, report annually:

  • progress against actions identified in the Plan,
  • a summary of amendments to the Plan, and
  • annual emissions reporting, noting further potential expansions to current reporting requirements.

As part of the Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report, the Department of Finance will aggregate these measures to provide the Whole of Australian Government emissions reporting.

Future iterations of this Plan will align with the Offset Strategy and Commonwealth Climate Disclosure requirements that are currently under-development by the Climate Action in Government Operations within Department of Finance.

OAIC Operational context

The OAIC is an independent national regulator for privacy and freedom of information. We promote and uphold the rights to access government-held information and to have personal information protected.


The OAIC operates one qualifying property in Sydney, New South Wales. This is a commercially leased office space. Additionally, the OAIC holds a subscription to shared office spaces which have been excluded from the plan as all emissions generated are the responsibility of that landlord.

At the time of preparation of this plan in June 2024, The OAIC's national workforce is approximately 200 employees. Around half the workforce is located in Sydney and access a hybrid environment with the remaining workforce working remotely across Australia. The Sydney office has 67 workstations.


The OAIC has implemented a range of measures to reduce its impact on the environment. Some of the highlights include:

  • In June 2022 the OAIC began to shift towards remote and hybrid working, minimising commutes and reduced the required office space.
  • Undertaking audits and implementing a range of energy saving methods across the office to reduce impact and resource use.

In alignment with the Strategy, this Plan does not consider the following emissions related activities:

  • Activities that take place outside of Australia or its territories, including international air and marine travel as these are not included in Australia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NCD). The Strategy recommends entities that undertake these activities will act as appropriate to reduce their emissions in the relevant local context as an aspirational goal for the Australian Government to demonstrate leadership and advance Australia's climate diplomacy objectives.
  • Activities undertaken by OAIC outside of its office-based operations.
  • Activities undertaken by OAIC at facilities outside of those noted in inclusions.

Baseline emissions

Baseline emissions are a record of greenhouse gas emissions that have been produced at a set point in time. For the purposes of this Plan the financial year (FY) 2022-23 has been established as the OAIC's baseline and will be a reference point against which emissions reductions can be measured.

The OAIC's facility is fully electrified and there is no fleet. As such the OAIC does not have Scope 1 emissions.

Scope 2 emissions relate to electricity consumption.

Scope 3 emissions are primarily related to the OAIC's air travel, noting the setting of minimum standards will be considered in 2026-2027.

Baseline yearFinancial year 2022-23
Scope 1 emissionsNot Applicable
Scope 2 emissions38tC02e
Scope 3 emissionsSltC02e
Total emissions89tC02e


The OAIC has developed this plan in consultation with its facilities management provider and the Department of Finance.

Emissions reduction targets

This Emissions Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with the Strategy, associated guidance, and reporting standards for annual emissions reporting. To achieve Net Zero by 2030, the OAIC has adopted the following carbon reduction targets:

  • Emissions data for financial year 2022-23 as per the Net Zero Expansion One and Two reporting requirement.
  • Estimations based on expected emissions reductions through the implementation of programs of works.
  • Estimation based on the whole portfolio sourcing electricity from the Whole-Of-Australian­ Government electricity arrangement, managed by the Department of Finance.

Priorities and actions

The OAIC will take targeted action on existing measures and introduce further or new measures to achieve Scope 1 and Scope 2 APS Net Zero 2030 targets. This plan has divided emissions reduction activities into the following two categories:

  • Net Zero Buildings
  • Net Zero Energy

The reduction activities are detailed below.


The baseline emissions identify electricity consumption as the second highest source of carbon emissions. Reducing these emissions by improving energy efficiency represents the most cost­ effective approach for the OAIC.

The OAIC will take an educational approach to reducing its emissions associated with its built facilities. To further support ongoing reporting and emissions reduction targets, the OAIC will ensure all built-environment projects and programs of work enable a transition to low emissions assets and infrastructure.

Actions over the next five years:

  1. Drive improved energy efficiency across the asset portfolio through improved data gathering and building analytics in line with the Strategy.
  2. Encourage emissions reductions actions in the OAIC's facilities by providing information and education to empower staff and contractors on sustainable practices.
  3. Drive sustainable, low emissions projects and programs of works across the OAIC's office, reducing or eliminating associated operational emissions.


The Strategy has set a renewable electricity target of 80% of electricity to be procured from renewable sources (where available) by 2028 and 100% by 2030. The OAIC commits to participating in the whole-of-government electricity procurement arrangements.

The OAIC's property portfolio is fully electric, with all future leases or builds needing to meet this requirement.

Actions over the next five years:

  1. Participate in the Whole-of-Australian-Government electricity supply arrangement as it becomes available across the various states of Australia.
  2. Maintain an all-electric property portfolio.


Relevant references and links are available below