Last updated: 16 Jul 2024

Freedom of Information Act 1982

I, Angelene Falk, Australian Information Commissioner, pursuant to section 25 of the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010, revoke all previous instruments, and delegate to all members of staff of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner holding, occupying or performing the duties of a position in column 1, the powers and functions conferred upon me by the Freedom of Information Act 1982, as set out in column 2.

Angelene Falk
Australian Information Commissioner
July 2024

OAIC Staff

Powers and Functions

SES Band 2

All powers and functions with the exception of:

  • Section 55H
  • Section 55K
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 73
  • Section 86
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A
  • Section 89K
  • Section   93A(1)

SES Band 2 – Special Adviser, FOI Decisions

All powers and functions with the exception of:

  • Section 55H
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A
  • Section 89K
  • Section   93A(1)

SES Band 1 – Freedom of Information Branch

All powers and functions with the exception of:

  • Section 55H
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A
  • Section 89K
  • Section 93A(1)

Executive Level 2 — Freedom of information Branch

All powers and functions under Part III, V, VI, VII, and VIIB, with the exception of:

  • Section 55H
  • Section 55K
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 55W
  • Section 55X
  • Section 73
  • Section 77
  • Section 79
  • Section 82
  • Section 83
  • Section 86
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A

Executive Level 1 — Freedom of information Branch

All powers and functions under Part 111, V, VI, VII, and VIIB, with the exception of:

  • Section 11C(2)
  • Paragraph 55(5)(a)
  • Paragraph 55(5)(c)
  • Subsection 55A(3)
  • Section 55B
  • Section 55F
  • Section 55H
  • Section 55K
  • Section 55P
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 55R
  • Section 55U
  • Section 55W
  • Subsection 69(2)
  • Section 73
  • Section 74
  • Section 77
  • Section 79
  • Section 82
  • Section 83
  • Section 86
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A
  • Section 89D

Australian Public Service Level 6 — Freedom of information Branch

Australian Public Service Level 5 — Freedom of information Branch

All powers and functions under Part 111, V, VI, VII, and VIIB, with the exception of:

  • Section 11C(2)
  • Section 54W
  • Paragraph 55(2)(e)
  • Paragraph 55(5)(a)
  • Paragraph 55(5)(c)
  • Subsection 55A(3)
  • Section 55B
  • Section 55E
  • Section 55F
  • Section 55H
  • Section 55K
  • Section 55P
  • Section 55Q
  • Section 55R
  • Section 55T
  • Section 55U
  • Section 55V
  • Section 55W
  • Subsection 69(2)
  • Section 73
  • Section 74
  • Section 77
  • Section 79
  • Section 82
  • Section 83
  • Section 86
  • Section 89
  • Section 89A
  • Section 89D