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Publication date: 25 March 2022

Record NoTitle
21/000139 Liaison with Minister Office - 2021-2022
21/000144 CDR statistics from 1 July 2020
21/000149 Digital platforms intelligence
21/000151 OAIC Executive and Operations Committee Minutes 2021-22 – PUBLIC
21/000153 Integrity Agencies Group
21/000157 Executive Committee Meetings 2021-22
21/000158 Operations Committee Meetings 2021-22
21/000160 LexisNexis
21/000164 AGS Government Law Group – Digital Platform Regulation - Seminar Minutes
21/000170 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan
21/000171 National COVID-19 Principles
21/000173 Privacy Investigations - Resources
21/000183 Privacy regulatory action policy and guide update
21/000188 Capability review
21/000190 FOI Templates update September 2021
21/000191 COVID-19 policy work 2021
21/000192 Resolve Privacy Templates 2021
21/000193 National Archives of Australia  ( NAA ) Disposal Freeze relating to Australian Defence Force members’ and veterans’ suicides, and suicide prevention
21/000196 International Engagement - Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme – AGD information sharing request
21/000206 COVID-19 rapid antigen testing
21/000207 DR engagement with OPC Canada
21/000218 APS Handling Misconduct Guide
21/000222 Digital and Data Governance Review
21/000223 Det - Det Audit Review Project
21/000225 Australian Prudential and Regulatory Authority (APRA) request for information
21/000227 2022 Senate Estimates
21/000228 National Vehicle Data Working Group
21/000229 myGov expansion program
21/000231 Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety