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Publication date: 25 February 2021
Record noTitle
20/000140Malcolm Sparrow Workshop material
20/000141Speeches and presentations 2020-21
20/000148Freedom of Information (FOI) – APP 6/APP 12 project
20/000160APSC State of the Service Agency Survey 2020
20/000176Global Privacy Assembly (GPA ) - Virtual Closed Session - 2020
20/000186Multicultural Access and Equity 2018-19
20/000187Multicultural Access and Equity 2019-20
20/000214Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) - Meetings 54 - Melbourne, Victoria – 8 -10 December 2020
20/000219International Engagement - Engagement with Singapore
20/000224Privacy Authorities Australia (PAA) - Meetings - 2020-21
20/000228GPA - Policy Strategy 1 (Global Laws and Frameworks) Working Group
20/000229GPA - Ethics and Data Protection in Artificial Intelligence Working Group
20/000230Integrity Agencies Group Meetings
20/000244National Archives of Australia  ( NAA ) Disposal Freeze Afghanistan Inquiry - received 20201119
20/000247OAIC Monthly and Quarterly Stats Reports to 31 December 2021
20/000248Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2021
20/000260 Global Privacy Assembly (GPA)  - Working Group Policy Strategy Working Group 1 (PSWG1)
20/000261 Global Privacy Assembly (GPA)  - Working Group Artificial Intelligence (WGAI)