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Publication date: 7 September 2022
Record NoTitle
22/000014 Digital health MOU 2021/22
22/000015 APP Advice 2022
22/000016 Bill scrutiny 2022
22/000024 Information Sharing Working Group
22/000026 National Archives of Australia (NAA) - general
22/000028 Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) - Meeting 57 – Hong Kong – June 2022
22/000029 Digital Platforms Regulator Group (DP-REG Group)
22/000036 Communications Alliance
22/000042 Information access governance board
22/000049 Systems and Security – Cyber Security Best Practice Regulation Taskforce/Cyber Security Regulator Network
22/000050 Systems and Security – Critical Infrastructure reforms
22/000051 Systems and Security – Systems and Security – Ransomware reforms
22/000052 Systems and Security – Systems and Security – Electronic Surveillance reforms
22/000066 FOI Statistics Database - Guides
22/000067 ANAO Draft Annual Audit Work Program 2022-23
22/000086 Media Releases 2012 - RNA
22/000088 OAIC Information Policy Review and Development 2013 - 61069 (RNA)
22/000095 Privacy Policy Review 2022
22/000098 Scam Telecommunications Action Taskforce
22/000115 Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2023
22/000118 Strategic Communications 2022-23
22/000119 Speeches and presentations 2022-23
22/000120 Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey (ACAPS) 2023
22/000126 International Access to Information Day 2022
22/000127 Information Contact Officers Network (ICON) event
22/000132 Corporate governance obligations 2022-2024
22/000134 International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) conference 22-24 June 2022
22/000143 COVID-19 guidance on retention and deletion of personal information
CC22/00020 Questions on Notice February 2022