As of 2 July 2024, our online forms will be changing.  The current forms will no longer be available, and we kindly request any saved forms to be submitted by the same date.  The replacement forms will be available by 3 July 2024

1 Focus on best outcome for client/complainant. For example, where an individual may complain to either agency, that individual will be provided with adequate information about both regulatory regimes.

2 Collaborative and collegiate working approach. For example, when appropriate each agency will share information which may indicate breaches of the legislation administered by the other agency, consider joint investigations and direct and refer complaints with the consent of the receiving agency.

3 Mutual recognition of individual roles, legislative mandate and responsibilities. For example, each agency should consider consulting the other before providing public comment on a matter relating to the other agency’s jurisdiction.

4 No surprises. For example, each agency will inform the other about any projects, activities or developments that may affect the discharge of the other’s responsibilities.

5 Both parties will advise complainants of referrals to each other’s respective jurisdictions. Where possible and practical share knowledge and resources. For example, where possible and practical both agencies will share information on training, education, promotion and enforcement activities.